Frequently asked questions

For all questions regarding prices or infos of commission types, please visit the commissions page.
You will be able to find information about the individual types there.

If you have questions regarding the commission process, payment, cancellation, or how I work, please see my terms of service.

The frequently asked questions will be updated over time, so it’s always worth to check back every now and then!

Can I commission a group (art with many characters) art?
Sure, just keep in mind that it can take up to 4+ months.

Would you be interested in doing a zine/conbook?
Heck yes! I’ve made art for “WUFF” and “Furvester” conbooks.

Can you draw from screenshots?
I can, but if it’s a mess of colors that would be hard to do.

Can I commission you to create me a character?
Sure, I can design you a character. Just pick “I would need a character creation” in the order form.

Can I print your art ?
Sure, if it’s for non-profit then I’m cool with it. And don’t forget to show me a photo! However, if you want to make profit out of it, you have to pay for license to receive rights to use artwork in commercial use.

Can we be friends?
Hey, no offence, but I’m not always into chatting or making friends. It should be natural. But if we will get along, then that is cool!

Do you only accept Payoneer?
Sadly. Paypal doesn’t work in my country.

Can you make a comic page?
I can! More details can be discussed privately.

If there is something else that you want to know – feel free to message me.